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<b>angellolly73</b>; <font style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;'><b>labrador, qld</b>; last active: <b>24-Jul-2011</b></font> angellolly73; labrador, qld; last active: 24-Jul-2011  
Huge Bedroom, Close to transport
Household Details
Household age range:        35-40
Household gender:   F
People in household:   Other
Smokers in household:   No
Household diet:   No special diet
Household relationships:   Separated
Household disposition:   Straight
Pets:   Dont have any
Children:   Not living with me
Detailed Description
Large Bedroom with Built ins. In a neat 3br house in quiet street in Labrador. Street parking for now but lockup carport may be available. Close to public transport that goes to Southport/Surfers in one direction and Harbourtown/Helensvale/Runaway Bay/Paradise Point/Sanctuary Cove in other directions. 5 min walk to the beautiful Broadwater and everything that has to offer. Close to supermarkets and convience store. About me I'm 38yo female who currently working casually but in the process of looking for more full time work. I am pretty laid back and not to much bothers me. I am not anal about things when it comes to cleaning but it just takes common sense. Love a good laugh and good music but I do like the quiet times as well. I currently don't have a animal but my ex house mate did have a cat here so having pets could be possible but needs to be cleared with the agent. I do have 2 children that come every second weekend and for a week over school holidays and half summer holidays. (I would consider other part time children as the room is big enough to have queen size bed and a single bed). Any other question please feel free to ask.
Room Location
Suburb: Labrador
State: QLD
Postcode: 4215
Country: Australia
Room Details
Weekly Rent ($) 165.00
Date available 25-Jul-2011
Type of accomodation House
Is bond required? 2 weeks
What is the period of lease? Dont Care
Is the room furnished? No
Private bathroom? No
Private bedroom? Yes
Walking distance to public transport? Close
Flatmate Preferences
Age Preference: 25-50
Gender Preference: Dont Care
Would you accept smokers?: Other
Would you accept pets?: Other


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 breep (F, 25-35), altona north
I have a room
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unit in quiet area of Altona North, 5km from the city

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