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[1] great easy to use site....

  About Us

<b>beckyboo</b>; <font style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;'><b>ninderry, qld</b>; last active: <b>25-Nov-2020</b></font> beckyboo; ninderry, qld; last active: 25-Nov-2020  
Single lady on Disability Pension
About Me
Age:        50-55
Gender:   F
People seeking:   Just me
Smoke:   No
Diet:   Not Important
Relationship:   Single
Disposition:   Straight
Employment:   Retired
Personality:   Private
Pets:   Dont have any
Children:   No
Detailed Description
I’m Bec. I’m looking to move into a studio in the Yandina/Ninderry area. I own my own home in Bundaberg which I currently rent and am downsizing. I’m currently living in my Jayco Camper Trailer which I an park up at my daughter’s place in Bundaberg if you have no room for it. I have my own furniture in storage, would like a room with my own toilet, shower and kitchen. Also I have my own washing in storage to set up. I am a quiet person. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol or do any drugs. I love to garden. I’ve been involved in a car accident in 2013 and sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury and orthopaedic injuries to both legs but can still get around ok . I don’t work anymore and am on a Disability Pension. I am financially secure .
Location Preference
Suburb: Ninderry
State: QLD
Postcode: 4561
Country: Australia
Room Preference
Maximum Weekly Rent ($) 200.00
Date to move in 26-Nov-2020
Preferred type of accomodation Studio
Preferred lease period? Dont Care
Would you like a furnished room? No
Must have private bathroom? Yes
Must have own room? Yes
Walking distance to public transport? No
Flatmate Preferences
Age Preference: 18-90
Gender Preference: Dont Care
Would you accept smokers?: No
Would you accept pets?: Dont Care


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